Date: 15-20 June 2015
Country: Slovenia
River: Soça
Nearest city/town: Tolmin
Fish: Trout
Technique: flyfishing
Gear: 6-rod, 4x leader, 5x tippet, dry fly (may fly & caddisfly; nymph)
Accommodation: Pri Kafolu
Guide: Lesley - Slo-Fly
My first flyfishing trip! We practised 1 or 2 times in this flyfishing-only trout lake in the South-East of the Netherlands called 'de ronde bleek'.
Before we knew it, two Flemish guys, one Dutch guy and a Norwegian guy were on their way to flyfish together in Slovenia!
We were overwhelmed by the beauty of Slovenian nature and the friendliness of the Slovenian people. A lot of big-sized rainbow trouts and marble trouts were caught. If you plan to go there: make sure you check out the links to the accommodation and guide above!