Friday, June 3, 2016

Oosterschelde - Sea Needle (Geep)

Date: 3 June 2016
Country: Belgium
River: Oosterschelde
Nearest city/town: Kats
Fish: Geep (Sea needle)
Technique: Spinfishing
Gear: Spinrod with salmon strips as bait

It tradition to go fishing for sea needle ('geep' or 'may fish' as we call it) during the months of May and June. With the North-Sea and the Oosterschelde nearby we can fish for sea needle from the shore or from a boat.
In some of the well-known spots you'll be fishing shoulder to shoulder, so my brother and I went to a more quiet spot and we took my dog with us.
Some people don't like to eat this fish because it has a lot of fish bones. However, if you cook it right, the meat will come right of the bones. Yummie!


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